Office of Career Services

Jobs and Internships


“握手”是由就业服务中心管理的在线门户网站,您可以通过它参与我们办公室提供的大部分服务. This system provides information relating to career fairs, special events, career announcements, and job/ internship national and local postings. 我们强烈鼓励学生和校友利用“握手”来满足他们现在和未来的职业需求!


On-campus Employment

校园工作分为四类:联邦勤工俭学(FWS), regular student employment (RSE), graduate assistant (GA), and other on-campus employment. In all cases, 您可以在我们的在线招聘系统中寻找可用的职位, Statesmen Connect. You can log-in at the top right of this screen. Below are additional details about each position type.

Federal Work-Study (FWS)

Federal Work Study provides jobs for students with financial needs, allowing them to earn money to pay education expenses. The office of Financial Aid provides each student their eligibility. 您可以通过参考您将在学期开始前收到的经济援助奖励信来查看您的资格状态. 您也可以通过您的在线学生帐户登录查看您的资格状态 DSU Online Services.

If you are unable to find your Federal Work Study eligibility status, 你应该联系财政援助办公室,电话:662-846-4670或发邮件至 All federal work study positions will be posted in Statesmen Connect. 这些字母(FWS)将表明这些学生就业职位的职位名称.

Regular Student Employment (RSE)

正规的学生就业是在校园的一个部门工作的机会. Eligibility is not based on the incomes of the student or the family. You must be a fully admitted student to apply for these positions. Visit Statesmen Connect for these positions. 这些字母(RSE)将表明这些学生就业职位的职位名称.

Graduate Assistant (GA)

研究生助教奖学金为研究生提供在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载工作的机会. 大多数助教奖学金提供免学费,有时每月支付少量津贴. Graduate assistantships are competitive. 研究生必须在每学年开始前找工作或重新就业之前向研究生办公室和继续学习办公室注册. 一旦你被研究生和继续学习办公室通知你的状态, you my visit Statesmen Connect for available positions. 字母(GA)将表示这些职位的职位名称. 您也可以访问校园部门询问可用的职位.

Other on Campus Employment

还有一些其他的校园就业机会提供给所有的学生. 这些职位通常是由为我们校园服务的外包公司提供的, such as Aramark/Delta Dining, Ellucian/OIT and Barnes & Noble Bookstore. 招聘机会有全职的也有临时的,将在Statesmen Connect以及其他网站上发布. 你也可以到这些部门查询空缺职位.


实习和其他形式的体验式学习的重要性.g., co-ops, externships, clinical rotations, student teaching, etc.) in today’s job market cannot be overstated!

实习是个人获得组织和工作领域的技能和知识的绝佳机会. Further, 实习会让你在招聘全职员工的雇主面前更有市场, 因为它们的设计是为了帮助学生发展与他们所学课程密切相关的工作经验. 许多雇主都在寻找和招聘与某一特定工作有一定经验的候选人. 大学毕业可能令人恐惧,而没有适当的技能和经验则更令人恐惧.

Some internship programs compensate students while others do not. 无论带薪还是不带薪,实习对任何学生的未来都是一项巨大的投资. 就业市场竞争非常激烈,对于毕业生来说,掌握一些与他们打算从事的职业相关的技能和知识是很重要的. Work experience is just one benefit of receiving an internship. In addition to on-the-job training, recipients have an opportunity to network with corporate leaders, 有可能获得奖学金继续深造和到有趣的地方旅游.

Increasingly, 雇主们正在利用实习和经理培训项目来帮助他们招聘未来的员工. Thus, 决定参加一个实习项目可能会(而且经常会)给你带来毕业后的第一份工作.  The numbers are impressive! In a recent report, 75.2% of employers surveyed indicated that their primary goal in hosting interns was to funnel participating students into full-time employment positions; additionally, employers reported a 51.3% “conversion rate” of interns to employee status (source: 2017 Internship & Co-Op Survey Report | National Association of Colleges and Employers).

If you are looking for an internship position, you can log into Statesmen Connect to view the current internship opportunities posted. Additionally, 我们在上面的“有用链接”选项卡中提供了一些针对实习的链接,以帮助您搜索. 你也可以到我们的办公室询问更多的实习机会, and discuss how to get started with your search.